Zeno Sustac

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Zeno Sustac

Zeno Sustac


Occupational field

 Associate Professor at West University of Timisoara. MediatorVice President of the Romanian Mediation Council. Negotiator, Co-President of National Union of the Negotiators. Director at International Centre for Mediation and Negotiation Studies. Expert, European expert in cross-border mediation. Arbitrator of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Lawyer, Member of the Timis Bar Association. Insolvency practitioner, Member of National Union of Insolvency Practitioners in Romania, Timiș branch. Trainer  (having performed more than 10.000 hours of training). Writer in ADR field.



PhD in „Alternative Dispute Resolution, Babeș Bolyai” University Cluj. Master Degree in „Business Communication and Public Relations”, Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. Master Degree in “Business Law”, West University of Timisoara. Bachelor of Laws, “Dragan“ European University in Lugoj.

Additional information

filozofia-medieriiCo-President of National Union of the Mediators in Romania (Co-President since 2009). Co-President of National Union of the Negotiators (Co-President since 2011). Coordinator of the International Comission of Romanian Mediation Council. Ex-Vice-president of the Romanian Mediation Council. Ex-Coordinator of the Comission for Promoting Mediation of Romanian Mediation Council

Ex-Director of the Union of the Mediation Centers in Romania (UCMR). Ex-President of the UCMR Public Relations Department. Author of the First Independent Report on Mediation and on the profession of mediator, February 2008. Co-author (together with Mr Claudiu Ignat) of the first work on ADR in Romania: Alternative ways of solving disputes (ADR), Editura Universitara (Printing House), Bucharest, 2008. Co-author (together with Mr Claudiu Ignat and Cristi Danilet) of the work Mediation –Standards and Procedures, Editura Universitara, Bucharest, 2009. Co-author (together with Mr Claudiu Ignat and Cristi Danilet) of the work Mediation Guide, Editura Universitara, Bucharest, 2010. Co-author (together with Mr Claudiu Ignat) of the work Mediation Handbook, Editura Universitara, Bucharest, 2010. Co-author (together with Mr Claudiu Ignat) of the work Negotiation Handbook, Editura Universitara, Bucharest, 2011. Co-author  of the work BEST PRACTICE GUIDE ON THE USE OF MEDIATION IN CROSS-BORDER CASES, Editura Monitorul Oficial, Bucharest, 2013. Author of the work Philosophy of mediation, Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti 2013. Co-managing editor of Medierea magazine, Editura Universitara, Bucharest, 2010. Collaborator of Mediate.com for Romania since 2007. Excellency Prize of the Printing House Editura Universitara in 2009 for the work “Alternative ways of solving disputes/alternatives to dispute resolution (ADR)”. Excellency Prize of Editura Universitara in 2010 for the work “Mediation Guide”. Co-author of the Conflict Scale – SIG Scale, 2010. Since 2010, scientific researcher of the Romanian Institute for Human Rights. Since 2011, member in legal commission of Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee. Since 2011, member of the Romanian Mediation Council, for the second time. Examiner and program evaluator in mediation field.

office @sustac.ro

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