dr Ljupčo Sotiroski

Ljupčo Sotiroski
Personal information
Date and place of birth 7 January 1962, Skopje
Academic title University Professor
Academic Institution European University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Academic Qualifications
Ph. D. 2007 (February)
University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje
Faculty of Law „ Justinian I „- Skopje, Institute for International Law and International Relations
Thesis: „Safety and Single European Sky“
Specialization: EU Law, EU Policies, International Public and Private Law, Arbitration and Mediation, Transport *Air and Space Law, Maritime Law
- Sc. 2001 (September)
University of Leiden, Netherlands
Faculty of Law – International Institute for Air and Space Law
Thesis: „Air Transport Development in the former Yugoslav Republics (Former SFRY, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro)“
Specialization: International Law, EU Law, International Private and Public Law
- Sc. 1986 (December)
University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje
Faculty of Law, Skopje
Field: Administrative and Political
Further education and Training
- License for State judicial exam – Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, 2011,
- License expertise in the field of Copyright, related rights andintellectual property rights, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, June 2011,
- License for mediator, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, International Finance Cooperation – Training for mediators, Skopje, June 2006,
- Certificate of Attendance at the seminar – „Financing of, and securities in aircraft and satellites“ – Leiden, 2000.
- University of Leiden, The Netherlands, Faculty of Law – Institute for International Aviation and Space Law, Course in aviation law(1996-1997), a fellow of the Dutch government.
International Relations, EU Law, International Public Law, Methodology of the Scientific Research, EU Policies, Project Management with the EU funds, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration Law, International Transport and Shipping, European Transportation Law.
Research interest
International Relations, European Union Law, Arbitration, Mediation, International Public and Private Law, Transportation Law,
Jean Monnet sub-Programme
Jean Monnet Conferences:
- 2014, Jean Monnet Conference, „The future of EU Studies„, 1-2 October, Brussels
- 2013, Jean Monnet Conference, „The Political Implicatiosn of European economic integration-towards a political Union„, Brussels, 14-15 November, Brussels
- 2012, Jean Monnet Conference „Sustainable growth in the European Union – the role of education and training“, 13-14 November, Brussels,
- 2011, Global Jean Monnet Conference „European Economic Governance in an International Context”, 24-25 November, Brussels,
Two Declarations have been signed in the capacity of Jean Monnet professor:
- The present crisis and the future of Europe- First Declaration to the European Institutions and to the Governments of the EU Member States by forty Jean Monnet Professors, December 2012,
- The present crisis and the future of Europe- Second Declaration to the European Institutions and to the Governments of the EU Member States by twenty-five Jean Monnet Professors, June 2012
Research Projects
- COST Action: IS0702; 13-14 September, 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, Meeting title: Reforming Human Rights Institutions: Progress and Status
- COST Action: IS0702: 25-27 September, 2011, Venice „The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform“,
3. COST Action: IS0702;.10-12, September 2012, Vienna, AHRI Annual Conference/Final COST Conference „Empower Human Rights!“,
4. COST Action: IS0702; Policy meeting on 28 January 2013 at COST Office Brussels |
BRUSSELS, (2012-2016),
- COST Action IS1105, 10- 11 October 2012, Naples
Insecurity at sea: Piracy and other risks to navigation and NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitime SAFEty and security (MARSAFENET) Shipping and Marine Environmental Protection,
- COST Action: IS1105, 5-6 June 2013, Rome,
NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of Maritime Safety and Security National Research Council of Italy (CNR),
- COST Action: IS1105, 1-2 April 2014,, Brussels, Plenary Conference, „Safety and Security Issues with Respect to Resources Exploitation in Areas, Beyond National Jurisdiction„,
- COST Action: IS1105, Network of experts on the legal aspects of Maritime Safety and security. COST Action :IS 1105, Rovaniemi,l Finland, 19-20 February 2015,
- COST Action: IS1105, Maritime Security and Offshore Activities: Legal Aspects, Bremen Conference, 11-12 June 2015.
- COST Action: IS1003 “International Law between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the role of law in the post-national constellation”, 12-13 January, 2012, Brussels,
- Brussels, 10-11 January, 2013, Evaluation Panel of COST Action DC_ISCH, COST-Honoraria-DC_ISCH-02164 m evaluator, member of the team for acceptance of Final Projects (14 Poposals of Domain Individual, Societies, Culture and Health),
- ERASMUS MUNDUS, EC Mobility Programme, Course MVV138K , „EU Enlargement Process оf Western Balkan Countries, Special Case Republic of Macedonia„, 8 February – 8 March, 2014, Masaryk University, Law Faculty, Brno, Czech Republic.
- GTZ Project for separation of regulatory from operational functions in the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Macedonia, team leader, Skopje, 2005,
- International Institute of Air and Space Law, ″Macedonia in Outer Space“, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2001.
Employment and work experience
- 1990 – 1993, Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje.
- 1993 – 2003, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Directorate for Civil Aviation, Skopje.
- 2003 – 2005, European Agency for Safety in Air Navigation, (EUROCONTROL), Brussels, Belgium.
- 2005 – 2008, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Civil Aviation Authority , Skopje.
- 2009 – 2010, First Private University FON – Faculty of Law, Skopje.
- 2002-2008, Visiting lecturer at the Law Faculty „Justinian I“ the University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius „- Skopje at postgraduate studies in International Public Law cases and International Organizations.
Membership of Professional Societies
- Member of the Management Board of the NGO „European Movement of Macedonia , since 2010,
- Member of the Working Committee, representing the Chamber of Mediators of Macedonia, NPAA – National Programme for Approximation with the EU Law, Ministry of justice, Skopje, 2009,
- National Coordinator for Macedonia- SEEMF – South Easteren European Mediation Forum), since 2008,
- Member of the Management Board of the Chamber of Mediators of the Republic of Macedonia, since 2006,
- Member of International Association of Lawyers in the field of European aviation law with headquarters in Brussels, (European Air Law Association), since 2002,
- Member of the European Aviation Club in Brussels (European Aviation Club), since 2002.
- International Court of Justice-participated to the sessions, The Hague, 2001.
Scientific and professional publications and presentations
- ²Macedonia is ready for its own National air Carriers², 3 October, 2013, Daly News, Nova Makedonija,
- European dimension of Balkan Transport Policy.In: International Conference, 17 September 2013, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria,
- Impact of globalization on the national economy through the prism of logistics operators.International Dialog, East-Weast, Skopje, Macedonia,
- „Logistics freight operator, as a perspective of classical forwarder„,, „LAWYER“, 231- 231 July / August, Skopje, 2011,
- „CEATS (Central East Air Traffic Services) and their impact on the neighboring countries“ / Air Ttraffic Services of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and their impact on neighboringcountries in 2004,
- „Privatization of airports,“ Civil Aviation Authority, Skopje, 2003,
- „Multinational model of National Air carrier,“ Utrinski vesnik,2002,
- „Development of the Air Transport in the Former Yugoslav Republics„, Leiden University – Faculty of Law, Leiden, 2001,
- „Macedonia in Outer space„, Leiden University , International Institute of Air and Space Law,Leiden, 2001,
- „The World after September 11„, „Dnevnik, Skopje, 2001.
Published articles/books
- Ljupčo Sotiroski & M.sc. T. Zaprova (2014), Dostinova, Diplomatique organisation, activité and profession, State University Goce Delcev,
- S.Bilic, PhD. Ljupčo Sotiroski & PhD. B.Tusevska (2014), Contemporary perspectives of freight forwarder, Annuaire de la faculte de droit “Iustinianus Primus” de Skopje, l`universit “St Cyrille et Methode”,
- Sotiroski Lj. &. M.sc Serafimovska H, (2013) Implications of the legal framework for the development of entrepreneurship, International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, USA, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2014), pp. 263-273, www.irssh.com, ISSN 2248-9010 (Online), ISSN 2250-0715 (Print).
- Sotiroski Lj & PhD. Bilic S. (2013), Protection of the Human Rights of workers from mobbing – Case of the Republic of Macedonia published at the Proceedings of International Scientific Conference-Promoting Human Rights-Recent Development.
- Ljupčo Sotiroski & PhD. B.Tusevska (2014), Success and Failure of the Macedonian Entrepreneurs, Macrothink Institute,
- BOOK, D-r. Ljupčo Sotiroski – Safety and single European Sky„, Skopje, „Selektor“, 2009
Participation in International Conferences and Seminars (Debates)
- „Promoting Social Dialog“, International Labor Organization, Ohrid, Presentation. 8 June, 2015
- “ European Employment Policy in Republic of Macedonia „ Day of Europe in the Municipality of Stip, May 6, 2013, Stip,
- AHRI Annual Conference/Final COST Conference „Empower human rights“and of the PhD training school will take place in Vienna, the 10 – 12 September 2012.
- „Challenge Social Innovation Conference, 19-22 September, 2011, Vienna, Austria,
- International Conference on Alternative Dispute Resolution, „10 years of mediation in Slovenia“& „European Arbitration and Mediation day“, 2-3 September, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
- „ Macedonia and European values „, Foundation for Development of Local Communities – Stip, University“ Goce Delchev „Stip, December 23, 2010,
- “ Implementing alternative measures in penal cases”- Introducing & sharing experiences on restorative justice and victim-offender mediation, The National Mediation Service (NMS) in Norway, Skopje, January, 2009.
- “Macedonian mediation in legislation“, Regional Forum ″Implementing & alternative measures in penal cases″, 25-26 February 2009, Tirana, Albania,
- 5th European Forum for Restorative Justice Conference″, Building RJ in Europe, cooperation between the public, policy makers, practitioners and researchers, 17-19 April, 2008, Verona, Italy,
- ″Regional Summer School″, 26-31 May, 2008, Durres, Albania,
- “Regional Conference of the Forum for peacekeeping of the South East European countries″, SEEMF Meeting for coordinators, 6-8 November, 2008, Zagreb, Croatia,
- „Current situation of the Mediation in Macedonia“, Second Inter-Governmental Mediation Workshop″, 13-14 February, Zagreb, 2007, Croatia,
- Regional Conference of the Mediation of the South East Europe, 12-15 November, 2007, Zagreb, Croatia, “A competitive aerospace environment: Is globalization the answer? Den Haag, 23-24 April, Conference Celebrating the 20th of the International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, 2006,
- “17th Annual Conference “Recent Developments in European Air Transport Law and Policy, Budapest, 3&4 November, 2005,
- “The Airline Industry’s financial crisis”- What are the causes, What are the cures? Eurocontrol, Brussels, May 19-20, 2005,
- “New Avenues through European Skies” Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University, The Hague, 17 January, 2003,
- 50th Anniversary Conference Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University „The Challenges to Air and Space Law in the 21st Century“ 19-21 April, Montreal, 2002,
- “International Forum „International Aviation Law and Terrorism” – Who Could Stop Air Terrorists“ Faculty of Law, 3 June, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2002,
- „Recent Developments in European Air Transport -13th Annual Conference of European Air Law Association, Law and Policy”, 9 November, Zurich, 2001,
- Association of European Airlines, EC Draft „Slot Allocation“, 13 June, Brussels, 2001,
- Liability of Aircraft, Den Hague, 15, December, Leiden, 2000,
- Financing of Spacecraft and Aircraft (Unidroit Convention and its Aircraft Protocol), 13 November, Leiden, 2000,
- Montreal Convention (1999) 5 November, Leiden,2000,
- 32nd Session of the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, 22 September-2 October, as a Head of delegation , 1998,
- ICAO- Rio Conference – Worldwide CNS/ATM System implementation, 11-15 May, Rio de Janeiro as a Head of delegation,1998,
- Seminar on Legal and Policy Aspects of International Civil Aviation, Leiden, 4-7 November, Leiderdorp, 1996,
- PAO Seminar, Leiden, 8 November, Leiderdorp,1996,
- 31st Session of the Assembly of International Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, 19 September – 2 October, as a member of the Governmental Delegation,1995,
- International Conference on the Authentic Arabic text of the Convention of International Civil Aviation, Montreal, September,1995,
- World – Wide Air Transport Conference on International Air Transport Regulation: Present and Future, Montreal, 23 November – 6 December as a Head of Governmental delegation, 1994,
- 2015, President of the National Committee for monitoring and developing of mediation, nominated by Macedonian Government,
- 2013, Educator of the mediators, National Project for education and training of new mediators,
- 2009, SEMF –South European Mediation Forum – National Coordinator for Meditation,,
- 2007, NPAA – National Programme for Approximation with the EU Law (Member of the Working Committee, representing Chamber of Mediators in Macedonia, Ministry of Justice)
- 2006 Certificate for successful completion,Training for Mediators (resolving the disputes)
- Diploma for Mediator- issued by Ministry for Justice,
- Member of the Executive board of the „Chamber of Mediators in Macedonia“
- Participation to the Programme launched by Leiden University, Faculty of Law with the International Court of Justice in the Hague,“ Resolving of disputes“
- 2016 Prva megunarodna Konferencija medijatora Jugoistocne Europe o medijaciji I razvoju komunikacija, Zagreb, 22.Listopad, Centar za mirenje
- 2006 Second Inter- Governmental Mediation Workshop, organized by Conflict Management International, Zagreb, Croatia
- 2007 Verona Conference –Restorative Justice,
- 2008 Tirana Conference – Mediation and Justice,
- 2007 Pilot Project “ Court Skopje 2″, launched by IFAC, by promoting cooperation with Court Skopje 2, (Member of the Mediation Team)
- 2008 Skopje Workshop, Mediation and restorative Justice
- 2008 SEEMF Strategic Planning Meeting 9 25-27 September), Skopje,
- 2011 Manual for education of trainers, approved by Ministry of justice, sponsored by IFC
Teaching activities in University
Subject_ Resolving of disputes, Second semester 2015, Postgraduates studies,
Published Book/Manual
- BOOK, Ph-D. Ljupčo Sotiroski & O.Gurkova- „Mediation in criminal cases“ (Macedonian and world experience), 2011
- MANUAL, D-r. Ljupčo Sotiroski, Training Manual for madiators„, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2011
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