dr Zoran Vučev

dr Zoran Vučev
Биографија на македонски јазик
Општи податоци
Зоран Вучев, роден на 05.06.1971 година, во Свети Николе, Р. Македонија, со постојано место на живеење на Скопје.
- 1997 година дипломирал на Филозофскиот Факултет во Скопје.
- 2002- Магистрирал, се стекнал со звање магистер по социјална политика. Темата на магистарскиот труд е со наслов:“ Социјална стратификација и либералните модели на социјална политика- примерот на Република Македонија“.
- 2011-Докторирал, се стекнал со звање доктор на социјална работа и социјална политика. Темата на докторскиот труд е со наслов: “Стареењето на населението како фактор за реформи во доменот на пензискиот систем и вработување на старите лица: меѓунаоридни пристапи и национални предизвици “.
- Англиски (активно) и Италијански
Домен на интерес:
- Сетиот корпус на права кои влегуват во социјалното Европско право: 1.Трудово право, социјлано осигурување (здравствено, пензиско и поради не вработеност), семејно право итн;
Работен статус
- Работел во ЈУ МЦСРС (Јавна Установа Меѓуопштински центар за социјална работа на град Скопје), сметано од 11.07.1997 до 07. 2007 година.
Работел, како советник, и тоа во:
Одделението за деца и младинци при ЈУ МЦСРС;
Одделението за аналитичко истражувачка работа и наставно-научна база при ЈУ МЦСРС;
Одделението за непосредна социјанлана заштита на грда Скопје и Одделенитео за брак и семејство при ЈУ МЦСРС.
Во одделението за Деца и младинци работел во постапките за малолетници кои се кривично одговорни и кривично неодговорни по акти добиени од ОЈО (Основно Јавно Обвинителство),Суд, институции за издржување на казна, превоспитни институции, реализација на изречени мерки од страна на Суд, деца со асоцијално поведение кои не се сторители на кривични дела и др.
Во оделението за Аналитичко истражувачка работа и наставно научна база неговата работа се состоела во нудење на алтернативи, современи методи за работа со клиентите.Презенатција на институцијата во јавноста во печатените и електронските медиуми, учество на научни собири, семинари, округли маси, трибини и афирмација на истата. Изготвување на месечни, квартални, шестмесечни и годишни извештаи, програма за работа на институцијата. Следење на новините во областа, нудење на решенија за одредени категории на граѓани кои досега не се третирано адекватно во Институцијата. Има презентирано самостојни истражувања направени во ЈУ МЦСРС пред Министерствата за Правда, Министерството за труд и социјална политика, Судии, Јавни обвинители, Министерството за млади и спорт ( сегашна Агенција за млади спорт), научни конференции и.т.н.
Во Одделението за непосредна социјанлана заштита, работел на остварување на социјално заштитни права: Право на социјална парична помош за работоспособни лица; Право на постојана парична помош; Право на паричен надоместок за помош и нега од друго лице; Параво на цивилна инвалиднина; Право на материјално обезбедување на членовите на семејството чии хранители се во АРМ; Еднократна парична помош; Постпенален третман на повратници од КПД (казнено поправни домови); Институционално сместување во установи за социјална заштита.
Во Одделение за Брак и семејство работел на семејно првана и социјално заштитна проблематика, кои ја регулираат оваа материја: Спроведување на постапка за мирење на брачните другари; Регулирање на односи помеѓу родители и деца; Третман на семејни конфликти; Советовалиште за брак и семејство; Времено доверување на деца; Вонбрчно доверување на деца; Регулирање на односите на малолетни деца со сродници; Давање на согласност за вадење патна исправа на деца; Надзор над родителско право и Учество во извршна постапка; Регулирање на семејно правни односи помеѓу родители и деца со меѓународен карактер итн.
Извесен времнски период е В.Д. Директор на ЈУ МЦСР Скопје, по овој период , сметано од 06.2007 година е назначен на ново работно место во Министерството за труд и социјална политика (во понатамошниот текст МТСП).
Во моментов e вработен во Министерството за труд и социјална политика (МТСП) во кој работел на неколку раководни позиции, и тоа на работно место:
- Раководител на одделение за анализа,евалуација и координација на политиките;
- Раководител на одделение за прибирање и обработка на податоците на корисниците за потребите на министертвото;
- Раководител на одделение за стратешко планирање;
- и во моментов е Раководител на одделение за планирање и креирање на политики.
Бил член во:
- Управен одбор на Комората на медијатори во Република Македонија;
- Член на Управен одбор на Здружениото на социјални работници на град Скопје;
General information
Zoran Vuchev, born on 15.06.1971 in Sveti Nikole, place of residence Skopje (Republic of Macedonia)
- Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje in 1997 as a graduated social worker.
- In 2002 obtained his Master’s Degree in Social Policy and in 2011 completed his Ph.D. (Doctor’s Degree in social field – social policy and social work).
- English and Italian language
Work status
- He used to work at the JU MCSRS (Public Institution “Municipal Center for Social Work of the City of Skopje”) from 11.07.1997 to 07.2007.
He works at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (hereinafter: MLSP) and has been working at different managerial positions including: Head of the Division for Analysis, Evaluation and Coordination of Policies; Head of the Division for Data Collection and Information Processing of Users, Head of the Division for Strategic Planning. His current position is the Head of Policy Planning and Creation Division.
Current functions:
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Mediators in the Republic of Macedonia;
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Social Workers of the City of Skopje;
- Member of the Chamber of Mediators in the Republic of Macedonia since 2006 (since the very foundation of this out-of-court institute for solution of disputes in Macedonia);
- A certified trainer for implementation of trainings for mediators. Included in the list of trainers of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia.
He has also worked as an advisor at:
– the Department for Children and Youth at the JU MCSPS;
– Department for Analytical Research and Educational Research at the JU MCSPS;
– Department for Immediate Social Care of the City of Skopje and the Department for Marriage and Family at the JU MCSPS.
Short list of qualifications and training:
- Management in the domain of social policy;
- Training for individual work , group work, community work, team work;
- Work group, for a time duration of 2.5 years;
- Certificate – Development of social politics – comparative approach, held in Skopje on 11-13.09.2000;
- Certificate – Alternatives of violence – Principle workshop (training for skills of affirmation, communication, community building, resolving conflicts and intermediation), held in Skopje on 07-09.11.2002;
- Certificate – Alternatives of violence – Advanced workshop (training for skills of affirmation, communication, community building, resolving conflicts and intermediation), held in Skopje on 14-16.11.2002;
- Certificate – Mediation, held in Skopje on 21-23.11.2002;
- Certificate – Licensed Mediator (out-of-court solutions of disputes) organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, in Skopje, 2006;
- Balkan conference in Zagreb right to family life. International instruments and their application in cases for children, organized by the Centre for Strategic Research and Documentation FORUM, Human Rights Centre University of Sarajevo, Action for Human Rights NPA- Montenegro Legalis- Association for the promotion of human rights and the rule of law and Centre for Human Rights from Belgrade, held in Zagreb in 2008;
- Certificate – participation in and completion of the Leadership and Communication series of courses of USAID’s Hope Fellowships Program during the period May-June 2009;
- Active participation in the panel for social inclusion with a presentation at the International Ministerial Conference in Leon, Spain, on the following subject “Adjustment of the systems for social protection for the aging people”, 2007;
- Attending a seminar in Brussels, Belgium on the following subject “Illegal work (gray economy)” organized by DG Employment in 2007;
- Basics of actuarial calculations of pensions, for a time duration of one month educator from America, for two weeks in June and October, 2008;
- Reinforcement of the governmental institutional capacities for the fight against poverty and social exclusion and enforcement of the Open Method of Coordination: Elderly people and people with disabilities, Skopje, 20-21.11.2008, and others.
- Study visit to Podgorica and Kotor, Montenegro, at the Centers for Mediation, as well as the Court in Kotor, October 2009;
- Study visit to Holland at the Ministry of Justice (regarding the jurisdiction of this Ministry), as well as a visit to the Association of Enforcement Agents and Notaries in Dean, The Hague; one-day training for “Conflict diagnosis and intervention techniques at the Palace of Justice – The Court of Appeals in the Hague” (for which he was awarded a certificate), workshop for mediation for family and criminal cases (on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the implementation of mediation in Holland), and a visit to the Institute for Mediation in Rotterdam, November 2009;
- Certificate for mediation trainer, training held in Skopje, 2010;
- Zoran Vučev was an active member of the Commission for Training of Mediators in the Republic of Macedonia in the field of mediation for juvenile delinquency, which was held twice In Mavrovo, in October and November 2010;
- The Ministry of Justice of RM engaged him in the capacity of a trainer of the last group of 47 mediators who were awarded with a Certificate for out-of-court resolution of disputes. The training took place in the premises of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia in the period from 04-08.2011;
- In 2011 the Ministry of Justice of RM and an Interview Commission, of mixed composition, (which consisted of members from the Ombudsman, representatives from the Assembly of RM, and members of the Administration for Execution of Sanctions in RM, and from the Ministry of Justice of RM), proposed him on the list of three candidates for selection of one representative in the European Committee for Prevention of Inhuman Treatment, Torture, Punishment by Public Authorities at the level of the Council of Europe;
- Training for social inclusion, held by the UNDP in Skopje, November 2010;
- Trainings for strategic planning, organized by the General Secretariat at the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, held in 2010 and 2011;
- Member of the Working Group at the MTSP for consideration of the revised European Social Charter and transposition of certain provisions into the Macedonian legal system;
- Training for document management system, organized by the Ministry of Information Society, held in 2010;
- Certificate (From IPA Training Centre). Successfully Completed The Upgrading Course On IPA-Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance. The Training Module: Developing IPA projects, organized by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in the period 15-17.06.2011. The Project was funded by the European Union. Technical Assistance for the IPA Training and Support Facility. Secretariat for European Affairs.
- Certificate (From IPA Training Centre). Successfully Completed The Upgrading Course On IPA-Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance. The Training Module: IPA Programming in Regional Development. Date of attendance: 19-21 September 2011, Skopje. The Project was funded by the European Union. Technical Assistance for the IPA Training and Support Facility, Secretariat for European Affairs.
- Certificate (From IPA Training Centre). Successfully Completed The Upgrading Course On IPA-Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance. The Training Module: IPA Monitoring and Evaluation. Data of attendance: 25-27 October 2011, Skopje. The Project was funded by the European Union. Technical Assistance for the IPA Training and Support Facility. Secretariat for European Affairs.
- Certificate (From IPA Training Centre). Successfully Completed The Upgrading Course On IPA-Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance. The Training Module: Project implementation. Data of attendance: 24-25 November 2011, Skopje. The Project was funded by the European Union. Technical Assistance for the IPA Training and Support Facility. Secretariat for European Affairs.
- Certificate from the International Labour Office for: Tripartite workshop on legal and institutional frameworks of Amicable Labour Dispute Resolution Training for conciliators/mediators. The workshop was organized by The International Labour Office, in Skopje, on 21-22 February 2012.
- He attended a seminar on the Role of representative organizations of workers and trade unions in the energy and metal industry sector. Working conditions – industrial relations and social dialogue at the level of a sector (a labour intensive sector). Investment in alternative energy resources – a way to new jobs and protection of the environment, held on 24-25.11.2011, in the organization of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions, Business Confederation of Macedonia and BUSINESSEUROPE.
- A one-day workshop for appraisal and identification, SWOT analysis of a system for monitoring and evaluation of employment policies (Component 2). Long-term prognosis of labour market (Component 1). Good practices in the field of monitoring and evaluation of employment policies (Component 2), held in AVRM (Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia) – Republic of Macedonia, on 11.01.2012;
- Zoran Vučev was an editor, developer of a concept for a manual, training programme, integration of material and developer of an evaluation questionnaire (May 2012) in connection with the Manual for training of mediators for refreshment of their knowledge on mediation. Developed within the frameworks of the MATRA Project “Support for promotion of the implementation of mediation in Macedonia“, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands;
- He was a trainer within the frameworks of the MATRA Project “Support for promotion of the implementation of mediation in Macedonia“, held at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, on 12-13.05.2012;
- Zoran Vučev had an oral presentation on the topic: „Mediation in family disputes in the Republic of Macedonia and the EU case-law“; Round table: mediation in the Republic of Macedonia – how to proceed? The round table was held in Skopje, on05.2012;
- Regional Tripartite Conference on „Employment Policies in Southeast Europe: Situation and Challenges“ which was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 22-23 May 2012.
- Certificate for participation in the International Conference „ACTIVE AGING AND INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY“. Organized by the: Österreichische Botschaft Skopje Bürd Sozialattachès. Bundesministrium fϋr Arbeit Soziales und Konsumentenschudz; Friedrich Eberet Stiftung; Philosophic Faculty Institute of Social Work and Soal Policy „Mother Tereza“-Skophe and Government of Republic of Macedonia- Ministry for Labor and Social Policy. Held on 19 June 2012 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Ciril and Mathodius University, Skopje.
- At the Center for Social Work, where he worked, he prepared a proposal for a project for group work with DM-DAC (children and young people with deviant and antisocial behavior). The project was adopted at the Institution Assembly and was approved for the treatment of this category of people at the Department for Custody at MCSPS;
- He has actively participated in the preparation of the project “Information Center – JU MCSPS”, financed by PHARE Office at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, for the affirmation of the work of the Public Institution “Municipal Center for Social Work of the City of Skopje”. With this project the institution was affirmed in the printed and electronic media; printed materials, brochures and fliers were prepared and the website about the current and future activities of the institution was developed;
- At MTSP he has actively participated in the definition of the statistic module for calculation of all the money transfers and services in MTSP on the SPIL project financed by the World Bank;
- He has participated in the work group at MTPS in the definition and design of the model for “Conditioned cash transfers”, additional form of social-development protection, which is planned to be implemented in R. Macedonia;
- Zoran Vučev has also actively participated in the creation/design of the strategic documents form different fields in the Ministry for labor and social politics of R. Macedonia;
- Certificate of successful completion of specialized training in mediation of interethnic disputes during 2012, within the framework of a joint program to improve inter-ethnic dialogue and cooperation between communities, which is organized by the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research in cooperation Centre for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Skopje;
- Participated in the project Capacity building – Gender and mediation. Training organized Centre for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution (CCHPRK) and the United Nations Office for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN). It was organized for basic and advanced training on gender and mediation with official mediators and facilitators from the community. Training is carried out on 26th and 27th October in Skopje;
- He attended round table on the theme: „Quality Standards of mediation in Macedonia.“ The round table is organized by: European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, under the MATRA project supported and funded by the Royal Netherlands Embassy. Roundtable held on October 26, 2012, in Skopje.
Zoran Vučev has also been an Assistant at the Institute for Social, Political and Legal Researches of the Republic of Macedonia and under their patronage has participated in several scholarly conventions with his own papers. In addition, he has also participated in a large number of public spot surveys for analysis of the public opinion in the Republic of Macedonia conducted by the same Institute.
Published papers:
- Group of authors, (2001), Empirical research: The phenomenology of the street crabs (pp.127-151), published in the miscellany Street crabs. Miscellany of papers from a scientific convention held on 07.12.2000 at the Philosophical faculty, The Institute for social work and social politic- Skopje.
- V. Zoran, (September 2002), Empirical research: An information about the role of the Center for social work in the acceptance of people with protected custody given under a suspended sentence, people on approbation and people released from prison (pp. 57-76). The paper was published in a miscellany for the project Elimination of the obstacles for the practical implementation of the suspended sentence with protected custody. On the occasion of this project a multidisciplinary final seminar was held in June 2001. The project was realized by the International center for preventive activities and conflict settling- Skopje.
- V. Zoran, (2003), Poverty seen through the aspect of social politic which is implementing in Macedonia and certain opinions about the future of the model of the social politic (pp. 148-156). The paper was published in the miscellany The Social position of the citizens of Republic of Macedonia. Poverty, exclusion and participation in the social life. Institute for sociological and political-legal research- University“ Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje.
- V. Zoran, (2003), Exclusion seen through the aspect of social politic and the social stratification which is present in Macedonia, (pp. 218-225). The paper was published in the miscellany The Social position of the citizens of Republic of Macedonia. Poverty, exclusion and participation in the social life. Institute for sociological and political-legal research – „Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje;
- V. Zoran, (2006), Reasons and consequences for the socially non insured- illegal workers in the European Union (pp.157-175). The paper was published in the magazine Euro dialog – magazine for European matters, No.8 NIP “Studenski zbor”, Skopje;
- V. Zoran, (2009), The differences in the scope and rights in the pension system in Republic of Macedonia (pp. 265-279). Published paper in Social Review. Friedrich Ebert Fondation, Skopje;
- V. Zoran, (2010). Older manpower of labour market – international experience and nationa challenges (pp. 87-110), published paper in Economic Development God. 11 No. 3/2009, University“ Ss. Cyril and Methodius“, SI “ Institute of Economics“, Skopje;
- V. Zoran, (2011). Aging and reforms in systems. Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Office in the Republic of Macedonia;
- V. Zoran (2012). Intergenerational solidarity and activation of the aging population in the EU and the Republic of Macedonia and (str.75-96). This work is published in the Proceedings of scientific papers presented at the international conference ‘Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity.’ On this occasion was held International Conference (June, 2012) in Skopje. Proceedings is published by the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje and the Foundation ‘Friedrich Ebert’ Office Skopje ,.
Published articles in daily News “Dnevnik” and “Vecer”.
Knowledge in the IT field
- Knowledge of the operating system Windows;
- Text processor- Microsoft Word;
- Program for spreadsheets (basic and advance)- Microsoft Excel;
- Program for preparation of presentations- Microsoft PowerPoint and
- Outlook
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