Mugur Mitroi

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Mugur Mitroi

Mugur Mitroi



President of The Mediation Council of Romania

President of the Union of Mediation Centers of Romania

President of S.T.A.R.S. Mediators’ Association

Founder of F.M.M.M. Training School

Mugur Mitroi is currently the president of the Mediation Council of Romania, as well as president of the Union of Mediation Centers from Romania.

Lawyer and mediator, founding member of the Craiova Mediation Center since 2004, he started the trainer activity within the project for implementing and developing the mediator profession initiated by the U.S. State Secretary, through the U.S. Embassy in Romania in collaboration with the Romanian Ministry of Justice and the Dolj Bar Association, between 2003-2007. He attended the training of more than 400 mediators, together with 15 American trainers (among them Fred S. Souk, Kathleen Patterson, Eileen B. Hoffman, Susan Green, David Michael, Linda I. Lazarus etc).

During 2007-2010 he gained experience by training in mediation more than 600 attendants in the professional training programs in human resources area, as well as in the National Institute of Permanent Training of Lawyers and the National Institute for Administration in the professional specialized training area.

He is trainer of trainers, examiner and expert evaluator in training programs for mediation area since 2005.

In 2010 he founded F.M.M.M. Training School, with a wide training portfolio in resolution methods based on needs/interests and conflict management field, as well as the design of solutions for cultural diversity, generational conflicts, communication, good practice and labor relations. The School also developed collaboration and partnership ties with organizations from the country and abroad in A.D.R. (Alternative/Appropriate Dispute Resolution). The School built a special relationship with The Lord Slynn of Hadley European Law Foundation in London, Great Britain and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service in Washington DC, U.S., with whom it runs courses on advanced techniques in mediation, providing international certification of attendants.

Mitroi Mugur-2Active in the professional organizations area since 2004, Mugur Bogdan Mitroi was program and sales manager within Craiova Mediation Center, development manager within Buzau Mediation Center, PR manager within the Bucharest Professional Mediators Center and president of S.T.A.R.S. Mediators’ Association. In 2005 he was among the founders of the Union of Mediation Centers from Romania, the only national federation specialized in A.D.R.; since 2011 he became the Union’s president, and from this position he managed to obtain international recognition for this organization in Europe and U.S., and to conclude a partnership protocol with the Romanian Diplomatic Institute and other relevant organizations.

In October 2010, Mugur Bogdan Mitroi founded the first Romanian-English bilingual specialized magazine in A.D.R. in Europe, ”Medierea Tehnica si Arta” (, a magazine dedicated to mediators and people involved in the justice act, but also to different readers who want to become informed in the mediation area. In the same period, FMMM founded the web portal, which offers information on A.D.R. area, and, on-line television dedicated to mediation practicing, shows with and about mediators, demonstrative mediation.

He initiated and developed the only national campaign to promote ADR methods in Romania: “Mediation Caravan – Mediation close to you!”, a project which implied a series of monthly mediation events for informing the public, which started in June 2011 and was developed every month for 24 months.

He is the author of numerous articles and of two manuals on A.D.R. methods, “Ghidul Mediatorului Profesionist, ghid de bune practici pentru mediatori, metode si stiluri de mediere, procedura medierii” (Craiova, 2010) (The Guide Book of Professional Mediator, Guide Book on Good Practices for Mediators, Mediation Methods and Styles, Mediation Procedure”) and “Mediere si Conflict – Analiza Conflictului, Suma de Dispute (Mediation and Conflict – Analysis of Conflict, Sum of Disputes” (Bucuresti, 2010), a book which deals with the conflict, analyses its dynamics and management methods from the standpoint of the professional mediator.

Since 2009, Mugur Bogdan Mitroi was member of the Mediation Council of Romania for three consecutive terms; since March 2015, he is the current president of the Council for a 4 years term. The Mediation Council of Romania is the official national organism for the mediation profession and Romanian mediators body established by the internal mediation law.


Instructor in Advanced Mediation Techniques and Train the Trainer

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service U.S.A., December 2011

Advanced Mediation Techniques

The Lord Slynn of Hadley European Law Foundation Great Britain, June 2011

Certificate of Competence

The Lord Slynn of Hadley European Law Foundation Great Britain, September 2008

Training mediation trainers

US Embassy to Romania, November 2006

Trainer in mediation area

US Embassy to Romania, January 2005

Advanced training techniques

US Embassy to Romania, May 2005

Basic and Advanced Mediation

Embassy of the United States of America, Office of Public Affairs, May 2003


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